Tenancy Agreement Minimum Age

Lease agreements with tenants under the age of 18 and unmarried are subject to the Minor Contracts Act and are not applicable under the Act. Keep in mind that the rental right does not protect people with disabilities who live in hostels or hotels or people living with their owner or family member. The law also does not apply to roommates who are not part of the agreement with the owner. The lessor may lease (as above) for the minor until 18 [3] This usually occurs when the lessor enters into a lease agreement with the minor without realizing that the minor may have no legal interest in the property. There are no restrictions on minors who obtain a licence (i.e. personal permission to occupy premises). A full rental agreement may be granted to the minor if he is 18 years old. The distinction between a rental agreement and a license is explained under What is a lease?. For example, your agreement might say that the owner may ask you to go whenever you want and you have to move in a week. This would probably not apply to you, as it is generally not allowed and contrary to the right to rent. Although a minor cannot hold a lease, he can “benefit” from a lease agreement.

The lease may be awarded to a third party, an “agent,” and held in trust for the minor until the age of 18. The minor has a beneficial interest, that is, he has the right to reside in the dwelling. The agent maintains the rent law. If you have a fixed-term lease, you may be able to terminate your lease prematurely for a reason defined by law. This implies that your landlord violates the rental agreement, that the premises become unusable if your lease is 2 years or more, that your landlord increases your rent, imposes “exceptional” reasons (for example. B, domestic violence) and if the continuation of the lease puts you in unfair trouble. If there is a person 18 years of age or older who agrees to enter into a lease with the minor, a common lease can be created. The adult tenant will keep the legal property as agent for the two roommates (as above).