Subject Verb Agreement Chapter 8

32 Each remaining exercise has only one correct answer! Review E, p. 173 Use your tips Choose the verb that matches the theme Ex: There (is, are) many new students this year. A: are (students are the subject (see p. 167)) #1: The audience (love, love) performance of Mime. A: Loving (both will actually work because the audience is collective and the meaning of the sentence is not entirely clear) Each remaining exercise has only one correct answer! 21 Contractions do not correspond to their subjectsAnd contractions do not coincide with their subjects. Don`t: All pluralists and pronouns I and You Don`t: All individual subjects (except me and you) Ex: These gloves don`t match. (Pluriel) I don`t want to be late. (I) It doesn`t matter. Singular. Doesn`t she like cold weather? Singular. Menu Course Time Plan Print Answer Key NAME CLASS DATE for CHAPTER 8: AGREEMENT Pages 152-53 Subject-verbal contract: Indefinable Pronouns A pronoun A pronoun that does not refer to a person, a particular place, a thing or an idea is called an indefinite pronoun.

If an unspecified pronoun is used as a subject, make sure the verb matches the pronoun. Singular Indefinite Pronouns 8d. Use a singular verb to accept with the following pronouns, if they are used as subjects: either anyone has no one someone who gives nothing to someone, has a good idea. [The singular verb corresponds to somebody`s singular subject.] Only one of the answers is correct. [The singular verb corresponds to the singular subject one.] NOTE Many indeterminate pronouns can also be used as adjectives. If these words are used as adjectives, they have no influence on the number of verbs. ADJECTIVE Each tree has been stretched. [The adjective Everyone changes the nominic tree. The tree is the subject of the sentence.] Copyright © of Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. EXERCISE A Circle the verb in parentheses that corresponds to the theme in each of the following sentences.

Each theme has been highlighted for you. Example 1. No one in my family ever forgets a birthday. [The indeterminate Pronoun No one is always singular, so the verb should also be singular.] 1. Everyone I know (likes, like) a sunny day. [Is indeterminate pronoun always unique?] 2. Anyone who needs help (studies, studies) in the support lab. 3.

Each sparrow (build, build) a nest. 4. Nothing has yet been done to remedy the problem. 5. Everything (seems, seems) everything is fine here. Undetermined plural pronouns 8th. Use a plural verb to accept the following pronouns if used as themes: the two several exAMPLE Several athletes have won gold medals. [The pluralistic verb that is obtained corresponds to the multiple plural subject.] Developmental Language Skills 61 30 Country titles and names, cities and companies take individual verbs, even if they are plural. Ex: Blue Lines is an early painting by Georgia O`Keefe.

Ex: “Greensleeves” is an old English folk song. Ex: There are thousands of channels in the Netherlands. Ex: Cedar Rapids is a production center in the Midwest.